So it seems that by default, you cannot make an EnderIO powered spawner in Civilization. I would like this to be enabled, as personally I like to use Villagers for Blood Magic. Pros to enabling: -Vanilla villagers have their uses here and there, and are currently fairly difficult to come by. -They're great for Blood Magic -They're fun to launch into the sun Cons to enabling: -They can make the start-up of Blood Magic a little easier (However because you must kill them manually rather than by say, a Well of Life, I feel this ends up balancing out in the end) -If too many people run them it could cause lag (But that goes for any spawner) -Squidward noises everywhere
there quite a few methods of obtaining them without powered spawners already in the game, noit fast enough for blood magic, but more than enough for villager trading or starting a breeding program. my method of choice is the cacoon of caprice.
My pet villager, Dave, was upset by this. He said "Hmmmmmmmmm" which roughly translated means "Tell Xyrik that he'll be hearing from my lawyers"