As long as the CPU is quad core, you have 8 gigs of ram, and a graphics card that can support your CPU in it's times of need, you should be set. A...
He seemed to have fixed it by fishing out the config.json, opening it in TextEdit, and allocating ram straight from there, had the exact same...
His laptop has a 4k monitor and a gtx 95om on supporting it. When he tries to set the resolution any lower, he says nothing works
My basemate BALoney2012 is currently having issues with his new laptop, and one of them happens to be preventing him from expanding windows, so...
Crate Name: Buzzing About Items: 1x Pristine Hive Queens eg; Meadows, Forest... 3x Apiaries 3x Proven Frames 1x Oblivion Frame (low chance) 1x...
I never knew about that part, and I've known most of the "incognito" rules :P It's also nice to see how involved a simple conversation could...
I got INFP-T INFP Personality (“The Mediator”) | 16Personalities 65% Introverted 59% Intuitive 65% Feeling 94% Prospecting 84% Turbulent All...
It's been easily 3 hours of nonstop rain....
No idea, for the week my partner and I played on Normal, I don't recall it ever raining, and if so, maybe once or twice for the normal amount of...
It's been going on for Minecraft days and days and days. The only one not banned is the Imperfect Ritual stone, but the imperfect rituals seem to...
If you've played on any of the Evolved servers, you've probably seen days where it seems to rain forever. Because it's impossible to get the...
It seems to be a continuity issue crossing over the updates. My best guess is a slight ID change for the mob eggs. For sure its on twilight...
I'd love to be able to play with the old community in a new environment where we can all help each other to a greater extent than was ever...
She wanted to test her sword's damage using my LP Network, didn't end too well for me. [IMG] Note the -2999 in the top left corner, It absorbed...
Personally I'd love this feature activated on the server. People die to taint swarms, jet engines, deep dark all of the times. I don't see why...
The same thing commonly happens to my base-mate Prometheus7504. He'll be standing around crafting or messing with bees when the same thing...
I'm pretty sure its a bug that would probably not be fixed due to the fact everyone is full steam on porting to 1.7. Best guess would be to...
I was on today hoping to make a ritual of the green grove with my ritual diviner in order to speed up a rubber tree farm, but i guess i may have...
Do the servers being down have anything to do with the Heartbleed issue Mojang had lately?
Separate names with a comma.