I would just like to add my hope that the Thaumcraft -connection fatal error- bug please be fixed. I understand the staff are busy, and I am...
Thank you. I am able to log in again. :)
I want to say it was a chemical decomposer? At this point I'm willing to go full reset, but hope I can get just my T2 rocket. It takes -so much-...
Doh. >_< Reporting the wrong thing has probably been half my problem. [MEDIA]
Still crash but new log. Some sort of texture is labeled wrong? [MEDIA]
Well is must be something that just fell on the ground, which is a bummer but not irreplaceable. Is it possible to clear item on ground entities?
Could you please remove the tessellator then? (whatever that is)
I was breaking things to remodel my base and crashed. Now when I try to log in I get in for a half second and crash to desktop. Any help would be...
Thanks, I've never gotten pages from anywhere but naturally spawned villages in the witchery-spawned building made for it, so i didn't know there...
Torn pages are required to progress in Witchery vampirism, the book is craftable but is there a way in this pack to acquire the pages? It's not...
It has happened with diamond swords, iron swords, and most recently my enchanted Sword of the Zephyr. In single player swords DO turn into graves,...
The Gravestones mod has a 25% chance to use your sword as your grave if you have one in your inventory. But instead of dropping your sword when...
Thank you. But I only needed to break 3000 power and it suddenly popped out of the cauldron.
Nei and the official website both agree that you throw into a boiling witch's cauldron mandrake root + gold nugget + white ritual chalk = gold...
That worked thank you
I've tried flint and steel and fire charges, but I am unable to light fires. However fire is the only way to bring a Witchery cauldron or kettle...
I just tried to make and uncrafting table and got a message that it was banned, but no reason is given and it's not on the banned item list. Can...
Thanks so much. ^_^
I died at the farmworld spawn and now my dragon backpack is stuck there. Could an admin please return it to me?
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