
Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ScarletHamster12, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    I think as we move forward onto new mod packs there should be more Mym Achievements in the /shop Idk what these could be But its more of an idea i know some of the Achievements cant be done on the newer pack so There is more idk like things to go after you've done mostly everything
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  2. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    Or even make some modpack specific ones
  3. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Hi @thebudderwolf12! This is actually something the Admin and Coordinator teams are working on as we speak! That being said, do you have any suggestions for new achievements to add? Whether they are modpack related or even network related. We love to hear feedback from the community on what you guys want to see come to MYM!
  4. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    For example one for stone block could be making a balanced clay or FTB rev being one of each of the tier 6 ET Items (Void miner lighting rod solar pannel Exc) I haven't played many of the current packs available so thats what i would think would be intresting
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Might also be worth investigating if you can require multiple items to be submitted per achievement. Because of modpacks not all having the same items available. Then you can really make them modpack specific, like for example the Sword of the cosmos achievement, requires you to turn in a sword of the cosmos (duh), but you can make it on many different packs. Have an achievement per pack, like 1 sword of the cosmos for Po2/po3.
    Seperate achievement for doing it on an expert pack with seperate name and requiring you to hand in: 1 Sword of the cosmos + creative item (chest for example) for the Po2k/Po3k modpacks.
    _Cilo_ likes this.
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Iirc there were once achievement that required More than 1 item like whole inventry of something but it makes problem tho.

    Also looking at GTNH i can think of some achievement but making achievs for Just one pack? Nah better make mod related achievemtns that can be made on More than 2? Packs?
  7. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    My only issue is that, what happens if we shut down a server? You wouldn't be able to get that achievement anymore...
  8. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    That could be like kinda like you were there badge you did it to keep on your profile or something
    Gabezetrainboy4 and JessTheGreat like this.
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Why not make achievements only attainable on certain packs? Show them off as a feat of strenght, like "Hey look mom, i got this super duper hard achievement from a pack i played 2 years ago on MyM and nobody else has it, am i not your most specialest kid"? :D

    Just gray them out on the achievements page whenever a pack is removed, to show they are no longer attainable. Might actually inspire (force) those achievement-ponies who are currently ranked top 20 to play new/other packs in order to protect their rankings.
  10. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    I will say as hard as some of the achievements are to get as packs move forward. Most all of them are currently around and able for one to get. If you are worried about the achievements that are not done in the players case all i would say is maybe get on one of the mod packs that has it and try to obtain or achieve getting them. I think they are fine as they are and yes maybe some new ones could be added but i have all but 2 done myself and it was a task to do them.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.

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