
Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by c0mical, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    I was wondering how people play,

    do they just go to another pack after they have finished one, do they have a couple off different ones on the go, do we have any 'lifers'

    interested to know what the rest of the community does
  2. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    i hardly complete packs, i just don't have the concentration for it. but i play packs with the taters town group right now and i am having a real good time
    Tipsied likes this.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I play packs till I either get bored of the pack, or bored of Minecraft. Sometimes I don’t get bored until I finish the pack, sometimes I just get tired in the middle of the progression. Either way when I get bored I either move on to a different pack, or a different game. I always eventually come back to Minecraft, but I rarely come back to packs.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    A lot of time the start of packs is the most fun part for me. That is why I sadly switch a lot. Fortunately there is no rule how to play minecraft
  5. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    I find the most challenging part of the game is the start, once you have basic needs met, it tends to get tedious. The exceptions are skyblocks, I keep coming back to those for some reason.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I tend to move where the community is to act as an ambassador to the community, if it is a non quest based pack I'll normally move on once the need for staff love dies down as I easily get bored and distracted in a kitchen sink without guidance.
  7. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    My preference will always migrate more towards Quest based packs, and that boils down to having a clear and defined progression goal... It really does depend on the pack and the likely hood of having partners to play the pack with... Even if we don't base exactly together, but within a stone's throw of one another... Again, depends on the pack... For sky block packs I prefer basing together with my partners... If I play a pack solo for too long, then it is quite possible I will never complete the pack as boredom begins to set in... And not because the pack itself is boring per se, as more it boils down to the preference for having base and quest partners... If I have peeps to chat with while soloing in a pack, it might last a little longer then normal, but 9 times out of 10 I will never complete it, with a lack of multiplayer fun...

    I had a big group of folks here on MyM one time, playing on the Infinity Hard Mode server when it was first opened up, with around 5 base mates... But after a couple weeks, within a very short span of time, pretty much all of them vanished without a trace... One by one... Was having a good time up until then...

    The packs I've actually completed (as in gone as far as I could in most of the mods) include Infinity and Direwolf20 back in 1.5/1.6... Agrarian Skies Plus and Project Ozone 1, with a good partner who was consistently on almost as often as I was... And I got close in both Regrowth (before the 1.7 updates) (Had nearby partners), Ferret Business (solo but had lots of folks to voice chat with), and B-Team (had a good nearby partner)…

    Best times I've ever had in Minecraft, both after Mod Packs became the in thing and older Bucket Servers before the Mod Pack revolution, were always on multi-player with good folks to actually play with, over soloing with voice conversations...

    It's tough to find decent base partners... Especially consistent ones who play as often as I do or are available during my play times... Then you also run into partners who vanish for one reason or another, or even sometimes without one reason or another... they just vanish... lol...

    And after years of playing various multi-player games, I've pretty much determined (especially with Minecraft) that I'm slightly particular with whom I partner up with... Immature players are a no-no (prefer adults, although on rare occasions kids/teens might act a bit beyond their years and be alright)... Or players who haven't a clue how to play Minecraft at all, so I'm too busy teaching rather then playing... That can become tedious over a long period... Or partners too lazy to do anything themselves, and I basically end up soloing with a partner who doesn't participate...

    If my interest is continuously sated and I'm having fun, I stick with a game for a long while... But if it becomes mostly a solo-fest or becomes tedious, then I do tend to move on to other games... Always seeking out those rare moments of fun with other people to actually partner up with and have fun for the long haul...

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
    Anne_Marry likes this.
  8. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    I typically play kitchen sink packs and stick around until the server shuts down. I'm not interested in "beating" a pack, but my builds are really detailed and involved. I like to see how big I can make them .
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I usually play alone, since I like to build stuff and people have already moved on by then. Also annoying if u have some design in your head and your base mate puts an ugly wall somewhere.
  10. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I go whit the flow new packs is great server resets is great but I get borred fast if it's too progressive or mostly forceing me

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