PVP Worlds

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Chetwynd, Sep 20, 2015.


SHould we have a PvP World?

  1. No.

  2. Yes

  3. Full Raid World

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  1. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    3:38 PM
    Hi MineYourMind,

    It was just an idea if we was to have a world on each server where PvP is enabled?
    A little like if we set up a world the same way a farm world is made and enable PvP there? Maybe griefing as well as a Raid server?
  2. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    cool idea but it would need to be a small world just for pvp like 200 by 200 so you can actually find people
  3. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    I was meaning it as like a normal world. Where you can base.
  4. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    ohh but why would people make bases there when there is a safe world?
  5. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Some people enjoy that fun. The risk of losing it so they Hide it.
  6. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    I would vote yes but the "have a world on each server" part doesn't seem that usefull. Most of the packs aren't good for PvP + that's a lot of extra servers that need to be setup.
  7. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    It would not be setting a new server up, And if this was accepted it could be a vote for each server.
  8. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    This would work better as a server as configuring things in just certain worlds is a lot harder to setup compared to a pvp server
  9. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    As it was just a suggestion servers could work better, Its just depending on the situation.
  10. joices

    joices Patron Tier 3

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    10:38 AM
    It would be like good and all of that, but i think that an arena would be better so that it wont be so hard to find people. Like you can say "anyone want to pvp go to /warp pvp" and itll just spawn them in an arena instead of a world with the limit -5k to 5k
  11. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    No one would settle in the PvP world because who wants to lose all of their progress with no gain? If everyone was forced to PvP then you can get advantages from raiding other players but with raiding being optional, no one would willingly want to lose all their stuff to someone they can't raid in return. There would have to be some sort of option to choose PvP at the beginning and then force it so those who chose PvP can only build in the PvP world.
  12. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    We have tried full pvp raid allowed servers before and they died off pretty fast. What would be suggestions to keep one alive other than having PvP on?

    Ideas I have had are things like Hunger Game servers, built around PvP but not really the building aspect of the game.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    if by you mean tried there's been 2, they died off fast because one was boring apparently and the other players got really OP so no new players started to join
  14. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    Personally, I'd like to see a PVP type Arena that's in a protected area like spawn that you can warp to and that region would be pvp enabled.
    joices likes this.
  15. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    So pvp and economy, maybe a event UHC that run every week at that hours and you get some money when you finish, after die or win you can select where do you want the money be transferred
  16. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    Maybe something along the likes of the overworld being a barren wasteland like regrowth and then all other dimensions are a free for all so that resource gathering is a bit harder and riskier. Along with that shrinking the world border would help too because it's insanely difficult to find someone in 8k by 8k blocks
    profrags likes this.
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Sorry for the Necro, but a new thread was not needed.

    Has anyone see the lite weight pack on Curse called "combat pack"?
    Its mainly Flans, helicopters and more guns.
    This pack could make a decent faction server.
    I still think "Trident" was overlooked too fast by everyone. That pack had/has amazing potential for a war server.
    DarkHeated666 likes this.
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Soooooo I'm not ready to give any proper details just yet, but FYI I'm currently in the early stages of putting together a modpack that I'm designing specifically for a potential new PVP raiding server.. so yeah.. keep an eye out! :p
    The only thing I'll give you for now is the name: Caverns of Chaos!

    I won't be doing any more work on it until after LoL World Championship is over though, so at least another 2 weeks until I'll be ready to make a proper thread about it, but once I do, I hope there will be plenty of people ready to help me with it so I don't lose motivation and scrap the idea like so many before it ;)
    DaBoss2231, pizzaluc and Mijikai like this.
  19. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    Don't like the aspects of a pop world to build next to a normal one. Build will build on the safe one and go raid with nothing to lose.
  20. M1NN10N

    M1NN10N Well-Known Member

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    I think a server like this would need fairly frequent resets in order to keep population up more. Instead of letting the server run for like 3-6 months have it run for 3-6 weeks. What this would help with is if A player jumps on after the server has been up for a while they are not going to have to wait for too terribly long before the server resets and everyone is back at stage one. I would honestly like to see some of the classic minecraft pvp games happening on the network. Such as Dwarves vs. Mobs. Survival of the fittest. I think running special servers on the week end would bring in more new players to our servers. And we can make them custom to MyM special little changes to each would make it special for our servers.

    +1 from me just need to work out details of what we would do.

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