Can I ask what you mean by "magic mods skipped 1.10"? Like skipping 1.10 content o_O or certain magic mods (like TC, which we won't see for a...
Also is wand of animation that expensive? o_O ?? I remember making like 5+ in one go before I quit Kappa mode.
It's been a while since I've played on Kappa mode, but couldn't you add a block (or any "expensive" item really) to repair wand of animation to?...
Darn... Played all the mods expert for 2 days now and it's a really interesting modpack : ( But "Age of Engineering" does sound "cooler" then ATMS...
Give me ender chests, and trust me, I can lag a whole server with it >:3
It takes damage from each use. 1 wand + 1 block = 8 blocks and the wand back with 1 less durability
We are talking about "Wand of animation" from Erebus mod right? If so, it isn't showing up and I've tried it on crafting grid and 2x2 in inv : /
Is it a special recipe or just wand + block in crafting grid?
Longest 24 hours FeelsBadMan :I
Any ETA for this to be implemented in-game?
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