Your suggestions of a class system could probably be achieved using game stages, maybe in combination with the vanilla teams system? Individual...
Oh, is that project still going? Let's just pretend it's still august and I didn't resurrect a month old post for vague chat.
You should've brought me in, I can provide a total lack of focus to make your team look like absolute professionals.
I heard @wyndman might be interested in something like this.
That is an established side effect. Achievement based titles would be interesting, though.
Clearly you guys are cheating, nobody can be that good at building.
Have you tried paying for them in exposure? One extension I'd like to see is gating purchasable rewards behind at least some technological...
You'd just need to be careful with public access that things don't go off the rails. I'm sorry.
Most of the TPS effect would be from the players moving from chunk to chunk, minecarts themselves are pretty lightweight as they have very little...
They're fundamentally very similar, Stoneblock 2 is effectively a slightly revamped, FTB-branded version of Stoneblock 1.
Already updated the post with it, although admittedly a lot of it is me complaining about my past self and his ability to write questions.
So I just realised I forgot to finish the analysis here, just completed the quests and combat section today.
I'm actually a little surprised you did, I'd've thought this would've been exactly your kind of thread ;) I might give a 1.12 version a shot at...
I get the impression that's part of why it died so soon
So like the old 1.10 anarchy server that died within weeks? Thanks to fabric, it'd technically be possible to do a 1.14 modded pvp server before...
It may actually be possible to cheese from the server side by placing a block under the player whenever they start to break a block while flying,...
Looks like they're disabled in vanilla enchanting tables. ThaumicTinkerer/ at 1.7.10 · Thaumic-Tinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer · GitHub
Crash-Report Guide — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation ;) Isn't that the system used in vanilla with maps in item frames?
It doesn't help that pixelmon tends to be a part of very lightweight, vanilla+ packs, if indeed it isn't just run alone. I've personally never...
tl;dr: Please don't make Wynd sad :(
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