Trying to find a server where it's even possible to craft this, as there's an achievement that requires. Everything I've read points to Hypo, and...
When I said "for the lulz", I didn't mean actually breaking it to bedrock for lulz. I meant I said it "for the lulz." :P
While flying around, leveling up my Academy Craft teleporter abilities, I stumbled across a few bases. Without a stick, I find the easiest way to...
Thank you very much! :D
Having looked around the forums, and witnessing it myself, it's come to my attention that the Lord of Torment does not appear in his dimension....
Was using a creative capacitor. -shrugs- Oh well, never figured it out. Deep Dark is broken, however there's a replacement: The Beneath. I kind of...
Playing single player, and I already see an issue with Draconic Evolution. Using fusion crafting, and it got stuck at 87% charge, and would not go...
Nah, I remember them. Used to buy them from the school store and throw them like Frisbees out in the parking lot. :P So, will there be like a...
So, is this going to be a thing? We gonna get a server for this? :D
Congratulations on giving me my first laugh of the new year. Cheers. So, is this issue (mostly) resolved, now?
...I thought you were using zip disks?
If you use thaumcraft, you could just ward an enclosure around it.
Thank you for the update, and I wish you the best of luck resolving the issue.
You, good sir, are awesome.
Node 2 is able to be logged into, no problem (after everything was down for quite some time) Node 1, however... Shows green, zero users online....
I understood the first half of that, maybe. :P
Sea Bass
I'm using stabilized mob spawners - to do that, I'd lose the souls from nearly 40 spawners.
If you check the folder, ChatFlow is in it. I had to uninstall it from the folder.
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