The Americans find out that the lake has oil in it's water and drown. The British find the somewhat bloody lake (from fight over oil that happened...
Wish granted, you died. I wish I could turn into a goose whenever I want to.
I make a nearby lake black to move the americans somewhere else and claim the hill. My hill.
Stalin kills everyone who doesn't pay taxes and can be reched by him (basically everyone except me and brandon). I just chill out on the...
"The Hill". Singular. My Hill?
I make myself invisible and decide to fall back to considering my mountain a hill. My hill??
As I am ethereal, bolts pass through me without doing harm, only slowing down a little. The fact that some stop is an annoyance and it takes me an...
I make the Rhodoks consider the mountain a hill by spreading roumors of max relative height for something to be a hill being 20km. My hill????
I invert the chasm and after removing some dirt that was on top of me, I'm on top of a mountain that's way too high to be a hill. I therefore set...
I'm still there. My hill. I'm still there. My hill.
seeding years
Noone's hill. I appeae at the hill. My hill.
ending and
I summon a dragon. The dragon claims the hill. Good luck with that. Dragon's hill.
I estabilish that I can do anything in the story. I claim the hill. My hill.
Banned for inversions.
Banned for nonsense.
From my experience on pluginless servers, MINECRAFT tends to go off the rails quite fast by itself.
coming and
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