Hi Blaze, I logged in to set an absence for you, but it seems that your forum name is different from your in game name. Would you be so kind as...
I agree with Han's message. It speaks to me.
I'd like to take this time to remind everyone that Shark Week is inevitable and starting soon!
Hey Bunny, Let me go ahead and ping a @Senior Moderator to help take care of that for you! Enjoy playing with your bf :) -Zyrade
Let me ping a @Senior Moderator to help get your grave back for ya. I haven't been to the hunting dimension on PO3K, but there's nothing that...
Certainly! I'll ahead and tag a @Senior Moderator to help reset that for you. They should be along soon. :) -Zyrade
10 Hmm, Lady, I think you need to demote Rabbit there back to Junior for a few days ;)
5 @ElectricLemonade @LadyRen13 You know, the 3 of us could steamroll this thing if we tried :D
I've spent a considerable amount of time on Eternal since its launch. Sorry guys who I see on there all the time, but I highly disagree with this...
I've not played DDSS so am unable to answer your questions in regards to that, but I might be able to lend some insight on your second issue....
11 @tonalom , patron gives you another point to the counter.
Hi there Shifty, I'll go ahead and tag a @Senior Moderator for you to help complete that quest! They should be along in due course to do that....
Thanks for helping out your fellow player and creating this post. As you've already stated, trying to remove the naughty bacon crashed my game...
I don't see a huge impact on being Patron or not. Tokens from Patron are received daily, while Tictac is proposing a one-time reward with each...
I also think this is a nice suggestion and hope to see something come from this! :)
I was gonna bump this to being active again to give @wyndman something to do, but I have no idea what I count for anymore. So can I just be one of...
Confirmed: Kevin's base will be the first to glitch out!
There has been an increase in the amount of players having issues with getting tokens from voting, so its certainly not just you, Sengorn.
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