Thank you DeviateXP for taking the time to post Ignore the trolls and King Troll Chugga, he's always sticking his negative nelly oar in, never...
Infinity Evolved - Normal Mode | MineYourMind Community
and yet you just did , *sigh* :P epic fail
last time i checked facts are not insults , typcial chugga, never learns
Suppose I say you Sir are indeed an idiot, wthout even needing to be a member of anything, and this is text so i dont need to repeat myself, you...
lol no chugga, as theres no way to police /track progression in order to do that, ergo no
in that list only charged drac is not allowed on market., but you can still direct sell via pm regardless
He's in the middle of it right now, just got it working on IE1, I will update here once its all done :)
Booker currently investigating this :)
"ninja-like" draven strikes again I see.... lol ....any second now followed by chugga ... lol thats fine It was more about if packing up on one...
Just noticed no recipe for sir willi tank and twilight forest custom NEI recipies on IN3, and from talking to others across global chat in Inf...
Hi as discussed with other players on teamspeak, we realised when wanting to move to another server or modpack, our claimblocks are currently...
yes thats why, you cant build base or portals in farmworld, only temp quarrys etc
Hi If you want items added to the market as infinte source for example, make a topic under suggestions and a fair market price for them, and then...
Hi Ryst, Unfortunately as per our No Refund Policy Info - Refunds on lost items | MineYourMind Community we cannot recover lost items or...
Hi. 1. start over and place the 10 ibsidian blocks somewhere away from other "placed" blocks 2. on the bottom where the two blocks are dig down,...
lmao i just noticed the signature timeleg, mine is a residential connection , clearly yours is a commerical connection, so therefore no...
bessie_1998 Hi there, would you be so kind as to go to the location and do /ticket , then click the link set subject as DW Grief and then give a...
Hi there, thank you for locating our fourms, can you please to do the following in order to help us efficiently deal with your request at this...
anincreased gather rate would be nice , say x 20, as default rate sucks dino eggs :p
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