@BetaPetey Now this is an answer that starts to clarify things. I didn't know this, this is new information. This helps explain the situation...
I apologize ahead of time for the snarkiness in this post. I wrote it yesterday and held off on posting it in order to rethink or reword it, but...
I understand that while people are playing on old servers, it's not like they've been shut down before with an active population (Pick a number...
@LordEreh In my opinion, having 2/3rd's of the entire network active and unused is what's causing strain. People do go back to the old packs...
It's not just about ATM7, I'm using it as more of an example when referring to the trend I mentioned. Server resource allocation, at least in my...
As a reminder, BetaPetey, 1.18.2 modpacks function perfectly fine on other server networks. MyM happens to be the outlier. I'm not disparaging the...
With the release of the ATM7 server, and being a long time member of the community (Since like.. 2014 or something.) I've noticed a few things....
I am once again resurrecting this thread in the vain hope that 1.18 provides the solution I desperately seek. DISCOURSE SHALL ONCE AGAIN COMMENCE.
I can't believe this newsletter has been going on for over a year straight. Dedication at its finest.
One time on a Magic World 2 server I was using an illegal Ars Magicka spell to grief a guy's claim because we had been fighting, and during the...
Oh boy here we go. We'll be doin' a town on this server. We've got a discord set up for those that wish to participate on the "project." We had...
Right i'll get to work on a discord then. Give me a day cause i have to go to work right now.
It'll probably be done in one of the unused voice channels on the MYM discord. Might make a discord specifically for it though
We can probably call a meeting in discord VC to discuss the rules in depth and hold polls once the server gets close to opening.
i'm up for voice chat yeah
Still not sure which modpack but the Horizons one is the one people are aiming at. That'll probably be the one, just need to know the date.
this is sounding like a plan, all we need to do is wait for the modpack to launch
As the title suggests, I am bored and would like to round up a bunch of players to build a town. I don't know what server, I don't know when,...
Love that you've been keeping this up. You're doing a great job.
forgot to mention i finally got rid of Tractoid's claim, thats big news
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