While everyone plays this I'll continue making PO3 :P.
@SirWill you have a server channel in our curse community now
no, all i can say is when using the aether dungeon portals make sure you don't have nightvision active and sometimes the portal will transport you...
needs more Kappa mode
i didn't mean remove it >.>
have you tried just removing it @SirWill ?
Ozone 2 wasn't made with servers in mind really
this why the esm.dat file exists in the world file just delete that on a schedule and everything should be fine
@SirWill Only 1 has a range of 150 blocks every direction and that is the "Draconic Evolution Vortex" or in the chance cube config file way at the...
i have no idea where to put that json file at and I shouldn't attempt to fix this problem if so many other servers don't have this issue @SirWill
i see
I'm working on the pack currently.
can if you want
did i check? nope
Yeah in the curse community i have the servers listed there have no issue with this quest and that is 8 different servers/server owners.
@SirWill in the Hardcorewither mods config there is an option called "death knell" disable that. it causes the server to freeze up and/or crash...
not possible
I'll take another look at it how about that? (even though this issue was solved back when this pack was in Pre-Alpha)
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