If you feel like elements within a pack should be tweaked or altered, it would be better to contact the pack creator(s) and pitch your idea to...
I think this is all just trying to make things complicated for the sake of being complicated, there's nothing at all stopping anyone claiming...
This can be ignored. Hanover restarted the server and its all fixed now.
There's something not quite right with Multiblock Madness at the moment. Nobody can run server commands like /shop (You do not have permission to...
Not all lines are asymmetrical, just most consumer lines. Commercial lines or those at Universities / Colleges can have lines that have the same...
So I do think this would be nice to have, but I think it would be very difficult to implement safely. Even just after reading this I can think of...
Just because Gray could never figure out how to even make a crafting table doesn't make a pack expert :p
/vote restart and similar systems have been tried on the network a handful of times before, and always without fail led to disastrous results....
The USA has no major left-leaning political party. The two options that are there now are right and far-right.
I think youre think of me, I'm the one with no perms any more ;)
Just to get started with this, lag spikes have been happening now for a few minutes and the GC has just gone dramatically up. [spoiler] Here are...
Applied Energistics — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation Its fairly basic, and the fact that you said you have a separate Thaumcraft ME makes it sound...
I mean there is an entire guide on proper ME design and usage that I keep directing people towards, but most people refuse to look at it or just...
I mean, you should probably be more careful and aware of your surroundings then. MyM doesn't edit packs except where absolutely necessary, and I...
Its incredibly incredibly easy to get your items back like we told you on the server. All you have to do is punch them or deal any damage to them...
I do like that there are new titles coming, my only issue with some of the ones suggested in this thread would be that it would probably be best...
I've already made basically that joke MANY times while on the server :P
I think I was involved in all three pixelmon servers in some way while I was staff (I know its at least two, but probably three) and we had tried...
But thats literally the entire point of playing a skyblock pack.
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