Personally dislike narration for the same reason I don't enjoy watching a movie after reading the book. It ruins the immersion and experience I...
Minecraft was a game to play with other people, but even when they kept on playing, I eventually got bored & moved to Modded. Modded was a game of...
The issue with adding in a Questbook is that MyM can no longer advertise it as "Infinity Skyblock" server, because the average Joe can't boot up...
You'll need a staff member, but what pack is this on? What exactly happened? I'm not totally sure what the policy is on unprotected homes,...
I remember checking on the third of a month and John had 150 or more posts that month, already.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I just feel the forums accomplish this better than anything else can, mainly because what you post is mostly...
I'll come back to the main point presented, but I might as well start here. When I'm trying to get something fixed, or suggest an idea, I have no...
I'm looking to make a return, and I'm not sure where to start out. I haven't been following what the packs are, so I really wasting your time by...
Aren't you fitting into society well.
The issue with both those mods are they're both horribly unplayable in a PvP setting - RFTools in a combat setting with griefing I could blow up...
I'm very excited about this, and am sure you all will love my beautiful voice.
4) Not asking for the wiki link, asking for more work on the wiki. 5) Mmmk. 1) Mmmk. 7) Not sure how I feel, but alright.
1) - Rehaul the chat filter so it filters words that are "slurs" and less words such as "crap". I understand that even for some audiences that...
We mourn for prpl, we must remember her. Kazeodori must be brought to justice.
Prpl is missing. :(
Inspiring post, didn't stay with Civi till the end, but it was a good run.
I agree that this is an experimental server and understand the rules/warnings.
I remember being somewhat AFK on TS & hearing shouting about somebody disguised as dirt. GG. Random off-topic goodness is what I love.
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