having trouble finding this on curseforge/overwolf (advertized in links above) .. can someone help?? Thank you. EDIT: i followed the link posted...
Nevermind .. i figured it out, just needed to update pack to 1.5.2.
Trying to access AllTheMods6 server this morning and it says "mismatched mod server list". Any ideas to get in? i know it was reset last night...
Thank you that helped .. at least im back at my base, but the lag is still very real .. that quarry needs to go .. :( Look, it even says i am...
Hello, i am trying to get back to AllTheMods6, but someone has a very big quarry in mining demension (think name is Greywolf or something) which...
i also did osmium too, but thought copper was culprit - guess i was wrong.
Give me a few and i'll perform again to make sure. it's 5 am here, it's no problem though .. i'll do because i'm now at the point where i really...
Yes .. i mentioned in the beginning of thread that i picked up everything including ores into my inventory, dropped and picked back up - hoping to...
i've completed all ores on this page.
Not familar with edit mode .. you'd have to walk me through it. That being said, my friend opened up everything in chapter 5 and he didn't have...
i have currently finished making all seeds with exception of certus essence, and im currently making lasers and mekanism machines. Also, i've...
Sorry haven't made it that far, kind of at a standstill until an admin can fix my progress (NEI won't show items after i prestige a particular...
so i performed your command and i get a message that there are no incoming invites .. also it looks like the block breaker is now trying to break...
Thank you, i will try this when on next .. surprised none of the other players mentioned this. o_O Almost everyone on the server was like "doesn't...
i was told these dont work on MYM server .. i even tried using it and definitely broken. I don't play single player. Thank you for the input though.
Miners don't appear to work with this pack - everyone seems to have verified this, along with myself. So i am trying to collect with a packager...
i just recently put 4 presteige points into Flux Networks, but it does not show up in NEI. Do i need to also open something else up in Presteige...
Fixed, finally managed to get cottage island after many tries.
Shouldn't be .. because, you're allowed to choose from 5 different starting islands - says in directions. The one i get from choosing cottage is...
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