ahh I get it now, sorry for that. Maybe have 2 winners? First to finish and first to finish with the least play time?
well then clearly the person is going to have to make most of those 4 hours. If you played the modpack, you can get to end game in 4 hours. I...
that makes no sense, someone can spend 3 hours doing 1 quest line while another person completes 2 in 1 hour. You're telling me the person who...
break out or break out speedrun?
My friend plays more than me and I want to transfer my claim to them. Their IGN is KristofSm. I have a claim in the last millennium and overworld...
ah thanks, read it all at the start but was eating so I didnt see it the first time XD, thanks again.
rip Project Ozone ????-2016 Reason: SirWill said so...deal wit it.
Ive played many modpacks guess its my time to show off my many skills. Sign me up, and get ready to be impressed.
Arrow season 5 or The flash season 3?
I put a post about not reciving my rank pls view it
most of it is on my laptop not published,im really good with 3D modeling in cinema 4D my skill will photoshop is decent so if you maybe ownna make...
IM a good graphics designer maybe we can work together
sorry its dancestar2002 not dancestart2002
Hello mym, i was at my base but when i broke 1 of my machines dancestart2002 took it and didn't give it back and also stoll a few things from my...
Hello Comunity, I changed my IGN not long ago and i didnt relise that when you chaneg your IGN you losoe everything.My new IGN is now...
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