Indeed, Celebrating holidays so i need something to do lol
Yo fam what modpack you playing
Well you wont be able to connect to the server if you get a 100% loss of data transferred eg not responding to ypur ping.
Well you dont prevent them you just allow people who have a security level higher than 8 so it is harder to make a fake user and use that.
No. No luck here either
Swapped to and alternative dident seem to help me will try and add ports to firewall
Sir you are showing the ip. Please delete as it should not be public. Then the problem you have is probably on your end.
Sorry my bad edited
try opening your cmd and write "ping (ip of the server)" if you get a respons the server should be up and running. If it says timed out the server...
Then it is bugged at your site i think, as i tried pinging it from my pc and the server does not answer
Have you refreshed the server list?
What is your source for that?
The server is currently down i think. Getting errors here too
To Mym proably 24-48 hours
You could also upgrade the security level you need to have to join the server. From standard this should be about 8. If you increase it to about...
Nice profile... it would be a shame if someone... COMMENTED ON IT.
What is the point of making a game if you dont want to ern money on it? Well there is none. Or rather very few that has full free access.
They have acually implemented a voting system for new items etc, and btw rs3 has a new skill
Everything is hackable as long as it is on you pc/internet ;) Just gives them a bigger challenge.
The reason I like RS isent because pvp or pve or quest i like it beacuse you can skill and do excactly whatever you feel like doing, if i feel...
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