Aye Thanks my dude
Mym doesnt have there chunk loader plugin updated to 1.10 yet so there for there wont be any chunk loading untill its updated
Alright will do! il go do that now
are we gonna be keeping are inventory when we get are base downloaded and given to us to play in single-player? if not il put my stuff in a chest...
Server: Beyond Location: X 104 Y 75 Z -104 World: Overworld
Well rip guess since were getting new stuff its a good thing
i mean im using 7gb on the 1.10 packs
Thats funny because thats also the wrong pack your on because the solar uses the fusion crafting
is portal trapping banable?
It does the same thing with Flux Plugs
Haha im using 6Gb to be safe
well i killed it with a supremium sword but know i have the staff of power with 108Damage and my draconic bow that killes it in 10seconds
theres atleast 150+ end crystals
of course tat will work but after the re-install the pack wont have optifine so it will launch you get what im trying to say right
@Wotsalot It for sure wasn't your game i looked thru it and it was for sure the servers fault for your crash
the reason your crashing is because of this """ net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Cyclops Core...
@KevinSupreme Mind taking optifine out of the mods folder and try launching the game if it launches please reply to me
Yea for some reason its not banned?
Same i want my 500fps back instead of 60
Haha yep
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