Hey All its been a while. I would like to suggest the heavens of sorcery modpack. I've watched a few streamers play it and would love to get it...
How do you combine a slime and a cow?
Can we have one slime spawner added to the dungeon (the place you get the tinkers kit) to get slime balls a little faster? Please.
I found this when I first started to play SB. [MEDIA]
thanks. I knew there were two modes of Divine Journey. I hated easy mode; I would super hate hard mode. thanks. I knew there were two modes...
is this Divine Journey easy mode?
Gotcha. Trash can it is.
How can you smelt glowstone armor? There is not option in NEI.
I know there was a way. Thank you Cantiel!
Does anything know how to find a Slime Chunk in the DeepDark or the Mining World? Or does anyone have a Slime Chunk around their island? I've...
I was thinking if we could add some custom recipes to Project Ozone Lite. The pack is about using what you get and to build with it. Here are...
awesome post!
I think TolkienCraft 2 would be fun.
My guess is tons of items on the floor or some odd mod spawning going on.We were at all 20's, but Overworld 3 is now < 14tps
whats in the new update?
I am seeing the Nether and Overworld 3 again @ < 5 tps. [IMG]
will do
New crash with Enchanced Inventories. When you have one of those Claim Gold Blocks on a chest and try to click it, you will crash to desktop.
I too would like to know if there are any Client side arg we could use to help the help play better.I found two pages with info on client side...
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