Secret message is secret
Hey there korncover, sorry for the long delay. I've got your questbook progress reset. You should be good to go now.
Marking this as done as the issue has since been resolved.
Hello Saphire45, I've gone ahead and reset your questbook progress for you. You're all good to go now.
Gonna go ahead and mark this as done since the event has ended.
Awesome! Glad to hear it.
Are you joining from the hub server or directly connecting? Joining from the hub causes weird issues with thaum. If you join directly with the IP...
I'll be in in a few hours to get you fixed if that works for you
Hello mathcroft, we'll gonna need you online to get that fixed for you. Could you give us a time when you'll be online and we'll try to get you...
I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. Have you tried to log in since I moved you to spawn? You should be fine.
Hello @misscatlin1951 I apologize for any confusion. I've gone ahead and moved you back to spawn so you aren't stuck falling anymore. You should...
It should be resolved now. Gonna go ahead and mark this as done as well.
Advancements on SF4 are currently not working properly. This is a known issue and is being investigated. Unfortunately, there's very little we can...
Happy birthday! Hope you stuffed yourself with plenty of cake and food!:p
Hello trall75, I've got your questbook all reset for you. You should be good to go now.
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