i love u too
dont bother discussing they won´t change it.. we will quit this server now, enough frustration.. first the quest book reset stuff, then you have...
yes exactly.. later and enjoy
rly, not disabled? what else do you want to do with it than spawn blocks to animate. put it in a case to showoff? this wand is meant to be the...
cant remove my quarry cos im not whitelisted any more :(
sry then i misunderstood u.. nvm :)
rofl booker, you cant be serious.. there is a a vanilla respawn ritual for 4 nether stars and ppl only cant do it because something is bugged.. a...
good idea lea :) now we just need an opinion from an admin..
great idea.. that or we have to fix the dragon spawning issue. at the moment it shows that there is a dragon but we cant find him.. and my placed...
direwolf20 1.10 pack is about to launch in a week or two :) just fyi
i`m glad you know me better than i do know myself chugga. KappaPride PS: sleep is for n00bs
can ppl finally stop making 1.7 packs? sigh...
end is confirmed working :> thanks
MYM Portal breaks and posts in chat: InvalidWorldException: The specified world "DIM1" is not a valid world. <<main code>>:navigation.bind:176
thanks, that seems to have helped :)
example: crafting of transfer pipes or printed ae circuits ( you dont need presses in this pack ) . i guess only some scripts aren`t loaded on...
you wish too :P
at least it was not a complete aprils fool, they released it now for real :))) cant wait until we have a server up to get my hands on..
infinity skyblock is now out for 2 hours, really :D no more aprils fool..
Sadly looks like an aprils fool :( for those who want to check it out anyway: Overview - FTB Infinity Skyblock - Modpacks - Projects - Feed The Beast
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