If Anyone's wondering Ive changed my name. It was JIMA9399 :)
Thankyou :)
Thanks for the link, is it okay to change my armour kit to mob drops? So ill have resource and mobdrops instead of resource and armour.
Ah right I didn't know that, is there any other kits to choose from other than resource I could change armour to? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi, A while ago I donated and chose the kits resource and armour and after a while I realised I hardly ever use armour and found resource the...
Summers Over!!
I know the owner of this base and have spoken to him and have done some test like the other staff have and come to the conclusion that it isnt...
What were you doing when you crashed?
Hey! Doctorofoxwolf was this solved?, If you made a ticket and the ticket was awnsered you should mark this as solved :)
hmm the energy per item is significantly higher is there a way to lower to like before without losing automation?
I also have the same issue but theres not a lot they can do tbh as its a global thing like sir will said :/
Is this still a problem?If so try to delete the libraries folder in %appdata%. I can tell you the steps to do it if you like :)
Have you tried deleting the libraries folder and then installing again? It worked for me :)
Ah okay that is probably your problem the graphics are not great, It would be better if you upgraded your graphics card, if I was you I would...
Thanks :)
Also my best bet is the lag is maybe not in ram as you have covered that but maybe the graphics card? What graphics card do you have is it...
2gb is minimal really and 4 maximum if you have more ram in the overall PC but if not then it's not good assigning all ram to minecraft. I agree...
Has this been solved? I mean I haven't had lag recently :)
Has this been moved? Could it be taken of support :)
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