Ah. Ok. Thought I was doing something wrong!! Thanks for the info.
Maybe I'm not understanding this but... My advancements are mostly 1/2 and not completed. does 1/2 mean I need to create 2 of the items to...
Perfect! thx
Have been away for quite a while so may well have forgotten a few basics but... when I click on the farmworld sign at spawn I get <screenshot>....
I wanted something that encapsulated the very being, the essence of the cow. Something that would sum up the great value and esteem that it was...
Sadly, it appears that my much loved (and well milked) blazing pyrotheum cow has thrown itself off my island. The cow gave me many buckets to fuel...
Great news, thx for that. Is it up and running alongside the normal server, somewhere else or offline for maintenance? I can only see the normal...
nevermind, logged out and back in again and now it's working fine. 1st rule of IT - "Have you tried switching it off and switching it back on again?"
Is there a restriction on base size in 2.5?? I can't build beyond the perimeter of my starting chunk area. The outline beyond my starting chunk is...
Seems like a very sensible idea. There's a 'sort of' precedent here with the /rules, /rules2, /acceptrules at the beginning. We could have /is...
Thx Slind!!
[MEDIA] Here we go. This was on a mouse over of the tesseract whilst in my inventory. Same happens every time. Thx
Hey folks, Placed a tesseract in my base, no probs, then placed one in the farmworld next to a quarry, still no probs, changed my mind about the...
The FBI are bending over backwards in their court submissions to show that they do not want to invade privacy, but they have a job to do and they...
But law enforcement wouldn't have the patch. The court order is quite specific about that. In fact the FBI made it clear in their submission that...
I wouldn't disagree with that, but having read the court documents (I'm a security analyst), I can't find where Apple are being told to do what...
This is being misreported in areas of the media (I'm sure not intentionally... he says, with tongue firmly in cheek) as a system wide operating...
My pet villager, Dave, was upset by this. He said "Hmmmmmmmmm" which roughly translated means "Tell Xyrik that he'll be hearing from my lawyers"
wow, so many new things (well.. new to me!) to learn. Thanks Icy and Arcanuo! Time to do some research....
Fairly new to civ and trying to understand the changes between here and other servers, key one seems to be /home being off. I've read up on...
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