It seems theres no 4k support for the launcher makes it pretty annoying to change launcher settings if you're running a 4k monitor as theres no...
so what about all these other servers running the same pack with like 30-50 people on them running fine?
You add more ram to it and give it a bigger better processor thats what making it stronger means
Make the server bigger and stronger you're not a small community you can easily grow a popular server instead of just being the rut of the yard...
Not enough server spaces seeing multiple people leaving to join different servers due to the server being 23/18 nobody can get their friends on if...
Advanced rocketry planets do they go under galactic craft planets or?
It goes down and before you can even notice it go back up again its back up xD I'll screen record if you wanna pretend its a thing hahaha yea...
Do you see a point in making a hammer with this mod? Is there really anything really pulling you to get an end game pickaxe? for me they're both...
1. I think its Op in general not just for myself I wont stop using it if everyone else can no point putting myself behind massively 2. There is...
I personally think its very op for a mod having the ability to pretty much reverse xray removing all the stone only leaving ores with the only bad...
From the last time I played the planets are now rearchable but the planets themselves arnt the right ones alot of them just being the moon with...
It will have more impact damage obviously but the overall maintenance will be so much easier Why's there no continuum list then?
Modifications can be made for suitability in multiplayer as it gives multiple forms of progressed research in the pack as a backup Plus the pack...
Public chats cant do anything from a message to the player that wants an items they shouldn't be getting and in most cases the other player...
As you can see from my reply I personally know most packs use those mods some drop some are gained that's how modpacks are so it would be the base...
You seem to keep repeating yourself when I answer you "Yes, you can take from individual lists, but what I mean by saying it would take long time...
So this would be incorrect as you could easily take it from the current lists plus this would allow for new packs to be easily managed when it...
Instead of making one for every pack make the forum threads for it mod related for example instead of saying about infinity's thaumcraft then like...
Also tried this on the server and confirmed the item does not craft.
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