im using ic2 for first time i havent blow em up i mean its just an order from keeping tier 1 machines on LV tier 2 on MV and tier 3 on HV i...
u knwo what nevermind forget this post this is the last time i went to forums to ask for somting due to it being always canceled and ending up...
what break i just wake up why an break ? i just made an post asked somting got downvoted by people who dont even know what or how so sorry am i...
well i want u now to go on our server and try it yourself get 41 pieces the ull understand until that point sorry but why are here? if u dident...
sorry but could u keep it on topic? so why is it the reason u guys dont understand this?
okay im getting mad i friendly asked for somting due to me afk for 4 days now for 7 pieces of it i need 41 u get why im getting mad?
I made this post for an reason nobody will be able to progres without that im on my 5th day of afk trying not to gte kicked i got 7 PIECES DOES...
cuz totaly an high level donor would afk for me
first of all an chunkloader doesent work there must be an "player" on that planet(dimension) second why not it doesent break the game its...
i have enough to go mars thats only like 12 pieces but to go to the moon 41 and i have an moon base fineshed and digital miner got tons of that...
straight to the point i would like it if there is some kinda admin shop for meteoric iron i have been walking on mars/moon for 2 days each day...
dow below
due to not be able to edit anymore do not vote for pams harvestcraft POLL CLOSED LMAO FAILED ATTEMPT 1
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