Is there a way to transfer them to your group leader, so he can expand more?
Will be be getting any of them? looking forward to trying some of the newer things like thaumcraft 5, blood magic 2, tinker tool 2 to name a few
I get an error when I try to connect, something change? or it go down?
one of the reasons i tend not to pay attention to who's hating who and help everyone equally (unless they've done something to wrong me personally...
it didn't generate one, there wasn't one for that day, should be easy enough to test it though, use a linker to link a wireless block extender to...
It works fine in single player haven't had any problems with it. something in the crossover to multiplayer prevents it
know this is an old one, but there are easier ways to get gravel. make silicon dioxide and use that. minechem is the better way to go for most things
broke a furnace linked to a refined relocation wireless thingy - doesn't seem to be one for today (crash report)pretty sure I caused it, cause it...
apparently breaking something with an active link is bad and crashes you all the way out
VastCreatorHD (it's done it atleast 3 times each time he/she has joined) [MEDIA] could someone see what's on his end and see if it can be fixed so...
it's a bit frustrating.. carried a lot on me.. we still waiting til full release for a full restart?
awww.. it missed stuff though..
Logged in, originally thought there was a reset since I was back at spawn, but island is still there and bauble slots didn't get hit.. just really...
sorry, thought i would be more convenient if it were all in the general area of the smeltery rather than inside that old shack i set upmade the...
I hope they do get banned, in all honesty
think it woukd be rather easy to make a couple large chests & make off with loads of stuff (our food chest was diamond) & i wouldn't put it past...
sky, they swiped a few diamond dollies from us
yeah, we moved because of it, completely hidden base now was going to make a travel hub where everyone had access to everyone.. but thinking not...
question can they take the whole chest if it's in another world or is that considered griefing?
pvp allowed everywhere no looting no griefing no raidingand probably a player run bounty/guardian/assassin/contract killer system of sorts once...
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