I have to ask, was there a nether reset in the past week or so? Because the entire area around where my nether portal was seemed extremely...
Dear @UnplacedTM Why on earth, upon finding what is clearly someone elses nether pump setup, would you proceed to claim the area and plop your...
No - last time I tested, on SF2, you could NOT spawn withers in AE2 spactial storage.
Alternatively growing a silverwood tree with a node in it and leaving it turns the biome into a magical forest, in which pechs spawn. Killing...
Really important point you glossed over - the slab furnace can NOT smelt the unfired clay bucket into a clay bucket, or at least not in SF2.5...
RIP. 1. I remember doing this on the ftb official forums, which had a lot more active players than mym - so I doubt we will even breach 30 xd
Wait, isn't _Lordicon a jr admin - ie he shoulda said 0 rather than 2? Also, 1.
o.o The server is restarting? Damn... Really wish I knew this before I started a week ago...
Aren't Hydrangeas passive generation also? Since they are just dropped into an infinite water source and never require another input?
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