I don't know Steve's Factory Manager at all, but I can tell you this about the presser: Presser - Feed The Beast Wiki To turn soybeans into...
Following those steps, should prevent it from being lost again. There are also people working on fixing/tweeking the system so that it'll be...
You said yourself it was an issue with your sync shell making it a mod error, meaning that it falls under this: Also note that it says...
That's why I linked you the thread (the blue words are a hyperlink), because it's all explained very thoroughly in there. Another link: Info -...
Just finished looking at everything under the showcase tab.. I need to +up my building skills O_o @ https://mineyourmind.net/forum/gallery/
I'm terribly sorry, but there is a no-refund policy for numerous reasons so there is nothing we can do. I do hope the tips will help prevent the...
Normally you shouldn't have to remove the highest water block by the way, it should go on its own overtime. With normal 20 tps it only takes a few...
Just wanted to check if your last issue has been resolved by now.
Hey, I'm just going to copy my msg that i sent to someone with the same issue ^^ : Sorry to hear! Just wanted to link you to this thread here...
Hey, Sorry to hear! Just wanted to link you to this thread here ("Lost island due to Sync problem.") because in there you'll find some tips that...
I love this! Sucks my laptop probably wont be able to run it (freaks out with too many complicated mods), but it's cool to see the process of...
Sounds like an interesting modpack to post in this thread here then: Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers|MyM :)
Kriss, be sure to post screenshots when its done!
Dubstep and DnB if anything. Orrrr... the awesome in-game discs :P "mall" <3
I thought the End was disabled on Agrarian Skies?
JacaRoe, I am impressed with your detailed post and it makes me wonder if you're studying something like history or linguistics. Your post leaves...
Panic is over! The Minecraft services are back up. They fixed that quicky!
This looks absolutely insane, so impressive! How long did it take you guys??
I would also hope none of the MyM staff would do such a thing and I highly doubt that's the case xD
Sounds like you've got a plague going! What an odd situation. I hope it gets resolved for you soon! And yes, I am also curious as to what the...
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