Is there a farmworld set up for this server yet? - Can't seem to find any info about it if so.
I personally don't really care if that, or a whole lot of other words are on the filter or not, it was selected by the people who indirectly and...
more then likely a side effect of SirWillis turning off the chunkloaders to fix server crashes, so it probably has to be replaced to make it kick...
Hello MyM! I've been playing on the network for quite a while and seen a few different market system plugins on the various versions, I...
Ah, I was unaware of the change in regards to custom recipes. I just remember wonders like Sirwillis lavatank etc, hence why I saw that as a...
Greetings, I joined this relative new server recently, and noticed some rather "overly" annoying aspects with the mod Abyssalcraft, that is hard...
so the villages have to be genned by witchery or the mobs? - because it's just the area there is ways around that.
Cheers guys - Adding "bands" of painted glowstone to my place now ;)
So I've become tired of having bats all over the place. I started looking into various light sources and while having small corners of glowstone...
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