Tried logging on again today and it let me on just fine! There's an entire chunk that's just been punched out of the island, which is where I...
Started a new island on Kappa, and decided to use the Tier 3 giant cube island. As soon as I teleported in, and whenever I try to connect again, I...
Nope, I'm playing solo, so I guess it's just a weird bug! Thanks for the answer, SirWill - in the interest of playing as intended, I restarted my...
Lost my last life on Ozone 2 (by my own idiocy) and I got the normal hardcore game over bit and kicked from the server and all, but when I logged...
The tablet showed up exactly where expected this time. Thanks a million.
Nah, nothing else had been touched in the entire dungeon (and I mean the ENTIRE dungeon; I'd literally been everywhere else before finding the...
Absolutely sure. It's the one with the different brick textures, holes in the walls going out to the death barrier bit, and the single endcap...
Normally I'd just roll with these things, but I crawled tooth and nail over four hours and losing five inventories going through the absolute mess...
You are my hero! I have no problem logging in with or without the mod now, and you have saved me from a great deal of frustration. Thank you...
Oh! thaumcraftneiplugin is the one that's not having any problems, it's gud_thaumicnei-1.3.0.jar that's got the sticky recipes (and also won't...
I'm connecting to
Ah, well, if it's working over there, then there must be something wonky on my end. I'll poke at it and see if I can work it out then. Thanks for...
Looks like it still requires Thaumic NEI to connect to the server; everything seems to be pretty much the same after the restart.
Not a terribly big deal, but Thaumic NEI seems to "stick" recipes after viewing them once. Looking up a recipe after seeing one that has Thaumic...
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