Zphantom13 Towerwood Planks Are Cool.
You are right Lets Wait and learn But 10 days is too much sorry 8 left...
I look now. It can be little bit grief but not pessimistic
I dont like to say it grief. Because its not . No one take damage.
Okay :DI was start the server at April Now will may I play 30 day I banned 1/3 time my playtime ...because of bad joke . I love that ...
Okey Im calling anarchist after a hour (He will out school.)I dont think He will come today...
Okay Thx. Say Anarchist It cost 600 mym to me I buy staffs blocks for clean there ... I have not had the opportunity to clean up.I banned for 10...
@SirWilli Can u look.
I'll be waiting.I dont steal items or any I make physical grief I put lots of block :D
Okey My English not good Im trying to explain. I was grief my friend. We make a deal I will clean what I do and I give some item for his waiting....
First of all hello. Tried to enter the game when I was writing I was blocked for 10 days. My friend is a bad joke I made it causes that you think...
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