And don't forget to blow everything up before you leave.
Wither can be easily contained long enough for slicing the heads off with 2-3 layers of double-compressed cobble and 1-2 layers of normal cobble...
Steel blocks should work
There is no way to join the old parties because the player data that linked to the parties was wiped due to the 10 bit overflow problem. Blame it...
You can get (almost) everything in the game without touching the questbook. There is no way to get stuck as long as you have a sapling and a block...
Use chest + itemduct / vacuum hopper / item collector for the same functionality without sacrificing huge amount of TPS on a single hopper.
There is already a solution Done - Blood magic demons | Page 2 | MineYourMind Community
They already have all they need and more to fix the bug. They could easily create thousands of fake player data instances in their code and test...
I wouldn't even consider this a bug. You have the added hearts, you can loose more hearts before you get the negative effects. You also are warned...
It's not about chunkloaders but whenever chunks are loaded into memory.
Full diamond set with random lvl 30 enchants works fine for killing a wither. Just grab 2 enchanted golden apples with you and you are fine. I...
Looked it up, players are added to the list on joining server.
The options 1 and 2 won't help us, let me explain why. I am fairly sure I know the reason why the book gets reset on AS1 (and why it's been fine...
When adding one, it would be fairly easy to support all of them. I'm sure there are plenty of blocks that someone likes and would like them added...
I did the ritual myself and it worked the first time. Maybe you missed the time just a bit or killed the animal too far from the table.
Everyone must be building on their islands or just haven't seen anyone in the nether (map).
I feel bad for trashing all the bows and caps and shirts and pants and boots and shovels and swords I get from mobs. Should we turn them into a...
From that' I'd say that it should be fixed in ore dictionary because any other mod may be doing the same that TE does. What was changed so that it...
What was the problem in ore dictionary and what was changed? Maybe there's another way to fix it?
You would rather find yourself locked in someones portal where you can't teleport out or go back to the nether? You would be jailed there until...
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