I was teleposing some nodes, and it wouldnt work... so I tried logging off and on, but now Im getting constantly timed out before I can enter the...
wait, there are ways to craft them with bm? I know of some other ways to get more quite easy... like the mfr and jetpack(might not work if the...
No rush... take your time! appreciate the help!
Ok... im currently stuck at this point and cant progress further in thaumcraft because of it. I've tried going to the eldritch dimension about 10...
oh... yeah I am! thx! so it's practically impossible to get there then? since all of the obelisks in overworld are most likely used or destroyed?...
well... only 1 of the 5 portals has put me on the roof instead of the void... and that's kinda alot of work to make if there is another solution...
Hi, I've been having a issue with the Outer lands. at this point I've been to 5 different obelisks and created the portal on all of them, but...
- Griefing someone means that you destroy their creations in any way, this includes breaking only a single block. - Raiding someone means that...
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