Resonant Rise 3 ( Resonant Rise - Feed The Beast Wiki & Home - Resonant Rise Forums ) Age: 2014; is always up to date. Launcher: ATLauncher Public...
Yea I can connect to the lobby and I go to infinity and it works fine its just ozone.
The MYM Client says nobody is online and times out while I'm joining.
They wouldn't despawn for me but be upside down in the blocks under where there suppose to be but that's only visually. Also the blazes are in...
Thanks for the reply I resolved the issue. The glitches pop up when java runs into a GL error. With me it was my Intel driver not wanting to...
Yea but there must be a reason for it.
This happened every time I would see someone else like _Keks_ for a while and it's been so long i forgot about it but now it's happening with my...
Has this been updated for evolved every patch I find online just crashes the client.
Tp'ed from around +332, -1758, 89 to Home (-411, -3359, 64) and my fully charged "Vibrant Jetpack (Armored)" turned into a second "Basic Capacitor...
I love the servers, they restrict you as least as possible and if something conflicts with progressing in the game they will unban it if...
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