Crate Name: Heavy Duty Care Package Items: 8x Reinforced Glass [183] (Very Common) 4x Advanced Alloy [4126] (Common) 2x Advanced Circuit [4125]...
The only problem with that is it can even happen non intentionaly (firing it in a random location might knock some players of in the end)
Thats true, just luck for the drop and armor to sustain his damage, but since pvp is disabled normaly and you have an AOE weapon (like staff of...
Item: Key of the King's Law ItemID: 7429 Requirement: Mana Reason: PVP Bypassing Possibility to kill other players, or launch them into the void.
This item is a drop from Yeti's in twilight forest. Now i know TF is locked on most nodes but on Node3 its quiet annoying to have one of these...
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