Every single time some one tries to use a portal it crashes the server and we get roll backs. Please remove twilight.
Seems I have to unlock the deep dark every time I want to use the mym portal. not a big deal just reporting a bug.
Seems we cant craft the node fabricator. Several of us have tried not sure if its intentional. Thanks
Its true folks Chugga no longer rules Hypovolemia he has been displaced by a new contender and not by a small margin =)
Watch this guy everyone he joined my island then died of thirst 2 minutes after joining me. Reseting my island. I showed him where the food...
Made a nether portal went thru it and did /rt . I found a city and I could not mine or place any blocks.
after resets my Thaumcraft research reset if its something thats difficult to remedy ill work on it o lost some tools as well but will remake them
It may be in one of the other forum sections but was wondering yall could post the TS info on here Please
Not trying to be a pain in the butt just wanted to know if the items lost in the nether reset will be refunded or if we should remake them. Thank you
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