i found the problem. the books i've used were also books from dungouns. they have to be freshly enchantet books #mark_done
Every time i try to craft magical wood with enchanted books, my client crashes. Answer
Hey there, I just found out that whenever i shift+click something out off my backback into my full inventory, it disappears... just happend to 3...
in nei is no crafting recepie(?)
yeah its not there
Hey there, I just wanted to ask if the Ender-Generator is banned or not. I think i searched through all the changelogs but maybe i missed...
I want to change the my armourplus to mobdropsplus pls. would be awesome if you can do it :) thx in advance
sry a few minutes later it was back online again for every one .. was the first on the server (few minutes after my last post)
Still down
Hey there. i want to connect to the server and it seems up, bit there are no users online and if i try to join, then i'm stuck in the loading...
oh BTW NEI sometimes just stops working // i dont want to make a new thread just lettin you know if its unknown ;)
hey there. All of my Machines and Powergens Stopped working. i had to remove the cables and replace the machines to make them work again.
thank god, i'm not alone
chaos ? did you grave spit out you stuff after that ?
hey There. 1. issue: i died in God Mode at the Yeti lair / stomped bei a snow block he spits out. 2. issue: when i broke my grave no items...
it was in my inventory when i logge off :/
lol for real now. i just logged in and i saw it disappearing out of my hotbar... wth is this. i dont even dropped it...
Hey there. i just logged in today, and i saw my wand on my hotbar for a second. but than it just disappeared :/ it was a gold banded silverwood...
okay i 'm back in town. how can i access the north server and get my stuff? is there a whitelist or something ?
okay . should i write under this post or send you a pm
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