Thanks all.
I've tried to look for an answer but it doesn't seem to be listed anywhere. Do Space Stations or planets reset on this server? I'm guessing...
I have a Nasa Workbench and all of the parts needed to build a Tier 1 rocket but when I put the parts in the Nasa bench nothing happens and the...
Played a lot of this yesterday. I can see 2 things that could potentially cause problems for other new players in the future. 1, The Inscriber...
The moon house I was using is at -2712, 66, -503 on the moon though as walking on the moon leaves footprints I don't believe it was griefing. My...
They're not. I put a block or machine down, wander off to do something else and every now and then it won't be there when I get back. The moon is...
Hi. I've been playing this a while but have been having the occasional bit of trouble with chunks seeming to go back in time about 10 minutes or...
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