Hiya! While awaiting a response I decided just to respec my prestige points to see if unlocking it again will fix it. If it fixes itself I will...
Upon unlocking the Zen Garden prestige award from my prestige menu, I am still unable to craft a hopping bonsai pot. I have tried entering the...
Just a bump, not sure if this affects but might as well :PFixed. Removed the mod MooFluids from my mods folder.
I'm having this problem also, I can't log on ;cEveryone! I found a fix! Please remove the mod MooFluids from your mods folder. I tried, works...
So, My nether portal was refusing to take me to the deep dark, eventually it stayed open, and I went in, After that, I keep crashing every time I...
I recently heard about the Skyfactory closing, And they said something about a world downloader mod, I can not find the client side mod though.
So, I was currently doing Thaumcraft and Someone told me you get aspects from something from Botania. He said it uses some sort of mana, And I was...
Please? I can not get back on my world!I don't know how but it works now
Every time I put on my draconic boots I end up crashing... Is there a fix? I've tried 3 times already.
I was wondering if there was a direct connect to Skyfacyory, like an IP? Just wondering .
Update! Someone told me deaths are shown on the minimap so I got my stuff back :D and, it WAS a glitch because right under my grave was pure...
Wow, that sucks.. I lost a staff of power and draconic bow and full wyvern armor
No, No blocks were under me. And I guess it is possible to fall ;-;
I don't know much about the deep dark, so I'm not sure if this is either a glitch or just me not knowing you can fall, I was mining for draconium...
Aww, Well, Thank you for responding so quickly!
Will they ever be on the Launcher? Just wondering.
I downloaded the MyM launcher and the Skyfactory 2 Modpack was not available. I'm not sure if you guys either forgot it or never got permission,...
A server crash here and there is common, but the server has now crashed 4 times in a row! It seems to happen whenever a user called Greendog2015...
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