Is there talk at all of updating pixelmon's version to 4.0? It seems I was running in circles for days looking for pokemon on the wrong version and have come to notice quite a HUGE load of stuff is missing due to being outdated. So im just wondering, Is it due to outdated plug-ins and etc? Or is it entirely possible to update at the moment?
The server software we use is non existent for minecraft 1.8, as all our plugins are based on it, it would be a huge task to port them to other systems. Additionally there is no full alternative yet, e.g. Sponge doesn't support all the needed features yet and is still in beta or at least from its stability. As most mods are skipping 1.8 completely our plan is to do the same. The next big modpacks will be 1.9 all along.
makes more sense[DOUBLEPOST=1473632931,1459790384][/DOUBLEPOST]We have now updated to pixelmon 5.0.0 beta 7