Due to the fact that it is impossible to make them a recipy was created to craft them however the recipy output should be 2 Singularity instead of the one if i could do it on the ground with tnt and enderpearl dust it makes 2
It does trust me, use the normal TNT in the end and hope the server works at that time (MAKE SURE TO USE PULVERISED ENDER PEARLS)
Disabled Enderio dust works but only in the end apprently as it doesn't work in last mill or in the islans world
I did this and it worked for me .-. How do you know it's not intended to use ender io ender dust and use it in the end :O?
Did you use Ender Pearl Dust from PortalGun Mod (not sure if it's in ozone) because that doesn't work. Also any blast should work, so if mob-griefing is of make it next to a creeper.
I've made 2 quantum bridges so far, in the island world, with the explosion. it works fine. take 1 singularity, 1 ender pearl dust (made in pulverizer, not from portalgun), and slap it down next to some tnt. blow up said tnt, and it turns the singularity into 2 quantum entangled singularity's. also, with the way AE2 does it's quantum entangled singularity's, i don't believe crafted ones will link properly. the 2 made from the explosion connect to eachother and eachother only.
did u not see what i said I GOT IT TO WORK but only in the end for some reason.. also this thread was about the RECIPY