Done [Client thread/INFO]: Warning: Clientside chunk ticking took xxx ms

Discussion in 'Vanilla Plus' started by skrilla1984, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    Local Time:
    5:57 AM
    What does this mean, why does it make my pc freeze, and how do I fix it?
  2. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    11:57 AM
    It simply means that some computation on your client took a lot longer than it should. And yes, this might also be related to your PC freezing. However, I can't say if your PC freezes because of a long computation in minecraft or if minecraft's computation took longer because your PC freezed.

    Could you try to use the task manager to find out which program is using most CPU power while the freeze happens? Also, please post your system stats.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  3. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    11:57 AM
    have the same problem with infinity since update to 2.3.5

    you could try those javaargs, and setting min/max memory to 4gb (you can set them in advanced java settings in the ftb launcher)
    -Xmn2G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
    for me it made the freezes shorter.

    if you enable lagmeter in options and open debug screen (F3) you can see the spikes where it freezes (white lines)

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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
  4. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    11:57 AM
    Idk what is that
  5. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    10:57 AM
    Firstly your tags were spelt wrong so wouldnt work, secondly there is already an admin and dev thats commented on this post.
    Thirdly normal players can't tag staff on the forums as it wont work.
    chugga_fan and Timkoo like this.
  6. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    11:57 AM
    Spam?[DOUBLEPOST=1454502417][/DOUBLEPOST]I can't even link member?
  7. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    it only freezes on certain parts of the map, and it happens to everyone that comes this way, but here is everything you asked for i believe[​IMG][DOUBLEPOST=1454514936,1454513248][/DOUBLEPOST]

    my max mem is already at 4gb
  8. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    11:57 AM
    So, this is also happening to other players in the area? If so, please give me the exact coordinates.

    Also, does your whole PC freeze? Or only minecraft? From what you wrote before, I assumed this was affecting your whole operating system.
  9. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    nope just minecraft. everything else is fine. the general consensus is that when it freezes, minecraft screen goes white for however long, the audio still works but you cant do anything. we figured it was just bad chunks but its real annoying because one of them is directly infront of my house. there's another bad spot by my friends house too.

    Minecraft Vanilla +

    +3180, +1063
    +3098, +1337

    those are 2 bad spots, if you want to come check it out we would appreciate it

    things we've tried to fix it -
    taking out all carpenter blocks in the area
    taking out all micro blocks
    killing off pets/other entities in area
    pluging up running lava/water down to bedrock
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  10. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    11:57 AM
    Hmm. So I teleported to the area, and I can indeed confirm that there is an issue at hand. I'll see if I find more.
    SirWill likes this.
  11. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    Ok, thanks. And it's not just localized to that area, there are a few trouble spots. It's been happening for a while, the players around our community tried to fix it before we brought it here tho
  12. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    So far, I haven't been able to find a specific reason for the problem. I'll probably continue later once I have access to some better tools.
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    U have any mfr autospawners? If so remove them
  14. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    11:57 AM
    @skrilla1984, which server are you playing on? i would like to test that place, too.

    My screen doesn't go white, but that might be OS/GPU related (i'm playing on linux with ati radeon)

    also i'm 100% sure that for me the problem started with last infinity update (2.2.2 => 2.3.5), maybe we can tear the problem down to some mod.

    also you are welcome to visit me on infinity normal n2 (, if you have infinity installed. because other players said to me that they don't have the problem at my place!?
  15. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    no mfr in vanilla plus

    im on vanilla plus, come on over. ill show you around
    oldfroglady likes this.
  16. Saint_Ceadda

    Saint_Ceadda Well-Known Member

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    6:57 AM
    This odd lag has plagued us since December. We have attempted numerous "fixes," but it continues to grow worse. It has grown bad enough that even our most active players have been avoiding the server the last week. We have been discussing petitioning for a server reset before we lose all of our active players. Thus far, everyone agrees that a server reset would be optimal. The server has been online for a long time and the recent addition of the inactive claim reset has been imperfect. Strangely, instead of deleting all inactive claimed chunks, sometimes only the claim is deleted and the chunk is not reset. Other active players will be weighing in on this issue.
    oldfroglady and FoxFire_MC like this.
  17. oldfroglady

    oldfroglady New Member

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    I am on this server too and would like to chime in about this issue. We have been playing for about 2 1/2 months on this server (I think) and this last month the lag spots are increasing. They are stationary (same spots all the time) and seem to be increasing in severity. I have tried the same things as mentioned previously, removing carpenters blocks, microblocks, and plugging "flowing" water/lava. It got so bad I moved my "house" from the sparsely populated town to a remote location. When I first was there it was not an issue. After clearing some land and putting up a simple square house with NOTHING special about it - I have a "lag spot" that developed right next to me. ( I believe its one Skrilla reported earlier). This has just been in the last week and nothing we have tried has helped. Lag for me - Minecraft music plays, game ceases to respond, screen goes white, spinny wheel for about 5-10 seconds, game comes back and I am usually 2 steps from where it lagged. This is not an OS related issue as my computer continues to function fine.

    If a map reset would fix this issue (if its bad chunks or w/e) then I would welcome the challenge of starting over. Thank you for your attention and help in this matter.
    Saint_Ceadda and FoxFire_MC like this.
  18. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    i wouldnt mind a map reset either, if it came to that. im sure most people on the server would agree, cause the lag is really troublesome.
    Saint_Ceadda likes this.
  19. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    5:57 AM
    I agree with the idea of a server reset, the lag is bearable but a reset would be desirable because that it would make all players on an even plain.
  20. skrilla1984

    skrilla1984 Not Canadian.

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    5:57 AM
    i agree, some people are starting out fresh, while some people have 1800 excavation (mcmmo) lawl

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