New town w/ jobs?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by emraldenderman1, May 12, 2014.

  1. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    11:11 AM
    I got an request from @AceGurke that he would like to join the town, maybe he can join
  2. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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  3. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    I think we can start yet :D

    Gesendet von meinem U8655-1 mit Tapatalk 2
    cbrozak likes this.
  4. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Let's do it, someone have the coords to the new area yet? I'm thinking somewhere near 0,0 ;)
  5. KingT

    KingT Well-Known Member

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    So well, a bit late.. but id like to join this City too!
    Ingame Rank: Demon Hunter (For now)
    my spefics: Miner / Thermal EX / Minefactory / Advance Genetics / Mob Grinder ( I will setup an Grinder with Blaze/Wither for first and an EXP bottle Fabricator (my last one had each 10sec 1 Bottle) / Storage System (Since this is a Project Town, i would build an Storage System for the Whole city with acces for every House for an "Big Storage for Everyone")
    And well, I'am from Germany, and i'am 21years old.. should be a + Point! *cough*
  6. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    Yay then we would have three German People in the town :D
    But you need to talk with @emraldenderman1 if you can join the town @KingT
  7. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately emeraldenderman1 hasn't been seen in a week. I vote you take lead on this paulnator, let's find a location and start setting up shop! :D
  8. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    It would be a glory for me to take the leadership about the project, I already found a nice place where we could build (a place in the middle of a barley field)(@jacobz10 already started to build with me there :) ) really nice alot flat places etc.. very nice place :D the server is bteam PvE ( the coords are: X: ~2258,93728 Z: ~5450,91525
    The only question we have atm is: Protect everyone his stuff or is it going to be ONE BIG claim. That could be a little voting :/
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  9. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Those are some valid points. The idea I had for it was, one big claim, but subdivided so everyone has a personal claim inside the town but also have community buildings that house certain things for example: I have my awesome house showing off the cool trophies and rare items I have found in the world but all this extra ore I have needs smelted so I can stroll down to the smeltery where we all have permission and toss it into one of the automated set ups that is there and come back in a few minutes to pick up my ingots. I also was thinking there should be a central inventory system for everyone (of course you should have personal too), but all the extra ores and stuff you won't need goes to the central inventory incase someone needs what you might not need. etc etc
  10. KraftwerkKing

    KraftwerkKing Member

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  11. emraldenderman1

    emraldenderman1 New Member

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    @cbrozak i would like a co owner! i think you would help, if you get any reqs you can decide yourself, same w/ u @paulnator2112
  12. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    11:11 AM
    Ok :D

    Nice to hear from you again emraldenderman :)

    it could be that a person of my family die in the next time, so i wouldn't be online for some days i hope you will understand that :/

    Gesendet von meinem U8655-1 mit Tapatalk 2
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  13. SheldoreCooper

    SheldoreCooper New Member

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    Hi my ign: SheldoreCooper i am a teir 2 rank on the attack of the b-team server. I would like to join your town to have a better experience on the server/modpack. Im 15 years old and am willing to do the spade, miners or the Dino Zoo job. :)
  14. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    I would say that you can join and do the dino zoo job, the coordinates you can find in the thread so welcome in our town :)

    Gesendet von meinem U8655-1 mit Tapatalk 2
  15. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I am sorry to hear this paul, my condolences to you and your family. We will be patiently awaiting your return.
  16. KingT

    KingT Well-Known Member

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    Hasssaaaa! First of all, thanks to emrald, that he accept me to the Town, i will be one guy who works with "Minefactory"! So yeah, ive got 2Ideas..
    1. What about making a "party" over mcmmo to write things about the city in /partychat if its needed.. (So, we dont spam the Global chat with it :D)
    2. About Claims and Stuff; Id like to have the City organized, so.. it would be awsome if we can handle it that everyone who gets an "Plot" claims Chunk for Chunk (16x16)
    What do you think about it? :)
  17. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    1. The party is already there :p
    2. One chunk for one base, yeah that would also be an idea
  18. KingT

    KingT Well-Known Member

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    1. Whos the "Leader" of the party? :D (For invite) e.e
    2. Nono, i mean if someone build his own thing, he has to claim it Chunk per Chunk (Sry for the German but i cant explain it good in English now.. :D ; Ich meine, wenn sich jemand etwas bauen will in der Stadt (bzw. alg. für alles) das man die Claims jeweils auf die Chunkraster setzt die man sich ja per F9 anzeigen lassen kann^^,- wäre aus meiner sicht übersichtlicher und im end game mit eventuellen ChunkLoadern alles einfacher^^)
  19. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    If you get a chance to log on sometime soon use the command /party unlock for us so we can all invite to the party? Thank you sir :)
  20. Acegurke

    Acegurke New Member

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    Well... created an account just for this ;D. I already talked to cbrozak and paulnator 2112 about the town theme. Apparently, a giant Flying Iland in Steampunk Design that is dragged by alot of zeppelin´s would look awesome.
    About my job in the City, im good with the mods: advanced Genetics, Thermal Expansion, Minefactory, Project Red. And im great in setting up automisation and linking everything together. Ill start producing stone and wood automaticly to get some stuff ready for the City. And we need someone who is good in Minecraft Designs as a Masterbuilder, so the Town theme doesnt change in the middle of the city. The Masterbuilder just checks everything and takes a look at it.
    About the Dark area under the Island: cbrozak had the idea of putting alot of mashines in it and linking the cables and pipes into the city, that would also be good cause its steampunk ;D Let me hear youre thoughts about it.

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