Suggested Benefit for Tier 3 Donators.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by KCSpence, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    There is a benefit for Tier 1 that allows for a donator to not be kept out of a full server. Allowing them to never worry about being able to play on any MyM Server. This is a great benefit. (One that I've luckily never needed that I can recall).

    I believe that there is a benefit that should be added to a Tier 3 donation bonus set that is similar but much more advantageous. This is that benefit:

    "Donators of this Tier will be immune to the '2 week base wipe'. Thus protecting their base in the case of being away from a MyM server for an extended time frame."

    Wording of course would be subject to change.

  2. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    My vote is no considering the amount of donators on MyM. It wouldn't really be a good thing since there would be bases that are abandoned and waste a HUGE amount of the land in the overworld, thus making it more difficult to find an area to to settle in for your NEW and ACTIVE base.
    bigbluu722 likes this.
  3. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    The only servers that this issue you mention (finding place to make a base) would be on those where the /rt command doesn't work. (Civilization is the only one I can think of.) For me, the issues comes up that I only play on MyM servers, and when I am on another and dedicating my primary play time, if I lose track of the days I play, I lose my base on another server. This has now happened to me a few times. It's VERY discouraging. It's not that I've abandoned the base/claim, I'm just on another server.

    There is plenty of land with which to make your base away from others. It's just a matter of looking for a place.

    An alternative suggestion could be if the player is active on *any* MyM server, and not just the one that has a base on it.

  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    The reason for this is that it allows the server to run well, with the amount of Donators including myself and Profrags this would cause the server more resources thus making your packs laggier. The 2 week thig is to clear up the land from no use what so ever
  5. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    i find that a lot of the donators that play on mym when they get board they move onto another modpack that is being host, if the time was extended it would just make it so the base is waiting there for even longer with no purpose at all. or if the bases wouldnt get wiped if you are playing on any server there would be a lot more endgame/laggy bases around that wont get deleted for a while.

    there already is a /absent so if you are going to be gone for a bit you dont need to worry about your base being deleted for a month (at least until u log back into mym)

    and if your base does get wiped i have seen peoples bases come back with a rollback of some sort that the admins can do so if you lose track of 2 weeks once its not that big of a deal i think as long as it doesn't happen that often.

    my vote on this would be a no (could we possibly get a poll added to keep track)
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Admins don't rollback bases. Once it's gone, it's gone
  7. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    This might be my personal opinion, but if I lose a base oh well, I get to play again. Many actions I can take to extend my claims life.
  8. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    I agree that there is an issue surrounding the base cleanup system, however I do not think providing donators with immunity is the correct course of action. Primarily I think the 2 week period is far too short, I would much prefer that the time period was simply extended to 4 weeks to better accomodate people varying play styles.
    CPU678 and profrags like this.
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    2 weeks is the optimum time as say someone spends 20 minutes on a pack and never comes back then that base is there for 13 days rather than your proposed 27 days
  10. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    Not sure that someone playing on the server for 20 minutes and then leaving would have any significant impact in either scenario.

    The reason I disagree with the 2 week time frame is, (generally speaking) I play minecraft on and off, depending on what other new games are available. Following a games release I tend to spend a few weeks playing that new game, before finishing or getting bored of it and returning to minecraft. My point is that not everyones playstyle is the same, yes some people put 20 minutes in and never return, but equally some people also put weeks into a mod pack, but spread intermitently over a longer period of time and with some breaks.

    Realistically the 2 week time frame isnt a make or break issue for me, if extending it is going to have any signficant impact on the server performance then I would happily concede my point. However, if increasing the time frame has limited to no impact on performance, as determined by the admins, I see an extension to the time frame as a benefit to the wider player base.
  11. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    It's not "base delete". It's just claim delete, so if you get back on 3 weeks, hope will you not get griefed/stealed. Someone is this human type:
    steals for everything. Explain: He wants "try" something for everything. Everything is: He wants spend or just do "take all my things, I want to try something". Ok. That's offtopic. But it would be great benefit, but I suggest it as Tier 5 Donator. (i am not tier 5)
  12. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    After two weeks if your base is claimed, the claim will be removed and the entire base will be regened and set as the area was before the player was there.
    profrags likes this.
  13. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    Might be a bit late but there is no need for this donor perk at all.
    As said before if you are going to be gone for a long time then you can make a ticket or use a command to not lose your claim fo a while.
  14. Medievalclown9

    Medievalclown9 Well-Known Member

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    I would also have to say I dont think this is needed because there are a lot of donators and even myself after playing a large amount of time took a few months break. Having my claims stay there is just taken space on an ever growing server that isnt needed.

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