Implemented Language on server

Discussion in 'Monster' started by 2kanman, May 30, 2014.

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  1. 2kanman

    2kanman New Member

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    I understand the restriction on swearing, as many young people play Minecraft, however the extremely oppressive approach to the chat in general is getting out of hand. I was insulted by a fellow player on the Monster server, to which I replied "piss off" and then I was muted by a mod. The reason was "rude, insultive", however the player who insulted me was not muted.

    Are we really at the point where we can only say completely nice things about each other otherwise we face being muted? As I stated before, I sympathize with not being allowed to swear at all, but it seems that anything that isn't considered to be completely positive is mute-worthy.
  2. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with this post, the absolute regime which has been adopted on the monster server over the last few weeks is a real turn off. I joined, and supported this server partly due to the semi relaxed approach which was being taken. I understand the need to prevent a flame war breaking out in chat, but blanking muting everyone who drops a swear is ridiculous. What is needed is a much more measured response.
  3. slyder5649

    slyder5649 Well-Known Member

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    I know the language policy is a bit strict, but its for a good reason. Some of the younger kids in my family plays on MonsterEast. I would prefer if they weren't exposed to the levels of swearing in chat.

    On the other hand, while it is nice to have a clean chat, i understand that our response has been a bit heavy-handed, we'll take more care to give you guys warnings instead of mutes next time as opposed to straight muting you.

  4. 2kanman

    2kanman New Member

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    I completely respect your view, Slyder. I just feel that the approach to chat where anything that might be even slightly offensive, is very out of place. Given that allowing your child(ren) to play Minecraft opens them to talking with strangers, I feel that there should be some expectation of non-positive language in place. Further, the chat in Minecraft (or at least in Monster) can be turned off or disabled.

    As I said before, the oppression towards language is too harsh. A swear word here or there should be okay, however the path taken by the mods with regards to language in the past few weeks is far too brutal. I should be allowed to respond to criticism or an offensive question in a way which isn't completely and 100% polite. As a paying member of the server, I expect not to be penalized for voicing how I feel about a particular topic.
  5. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    But the fact still is that the majority of players playing minecraft is under 13 years old. The restriction should be lighter so that you can get a warning instead of instantly muted. However I don't see the point in even having an offensive chat including swearing when you can just talk in a positive manner.

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
  6. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    Because that's not how humans function, or at least not in my culture.

    While I appreciate that for different reasons people don't want to see a barrage of profanity laden messages streaming down the chat, the adverse effect this instant muting is having is not negligible. The result has been more and more cases of people coming up with creative ways of insulting one another, leading to a general feeling of hostility.

    There already exists an actual solution for removing it, if your genuinely worried, and its just turning off the chat in the client->multiplayer options menu.
  7. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    The instant muting for swearing is not how we handle things typically. In our "Guidelines and Procedures" section for staff it states that a verbal warning should be given first, then a /kick or a /warn then after that a /tempmute. That is unless it is directly personal toward another player or staff member, in which case it is a /tempmute. Now saying all this, you have to understand that there is a bit of staff discretion when it comes to these situations and which is to be considered. If you were muted immediately without warning, either it wasn't your first offense or that mod felt as if what you had said was directly personal toward another player. For another response, if it were me on the server, I would have publicly responded to that with "Careful" as your verbal warning, given the situation you have posted that is.

    This note is for the staff as much as it is to inform you guys how we feel about language. To reiterate, the procedure is not in stone and is to be enforced on a case-by-case basis.[DOUBLEPOST=1401459367,1401459194][/DOUBLEPOST]Done - Swearing | MineYourMind Community
    slyder5649 likes this.
  8. 2kanman

    2kanman New Member

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    I disagree with this thread being categorized as "done." I still believe there an extremely subjective and too-harsh view about language on the server. Granted I'm not lashing out insults and swear words, I should be able to use language freely without having to censor myself and make sure it's entirely positive.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I think ultimately the point to keep in mind is that we operate a no swearing server, that doesnt mean if someone is being *rude* to you that you cant answer back, it just means you cant use swearwords to do it... tell them to "get stuffed", call them an "a-hole" etc, they will know exactly what you mean, but you wont have actually broken the no swearing rule... If nothing else it gives you more credibility if you then msg a mod and report the other player for their behavior.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2014
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We made the rules, you accepted them by joining the server. There are dozen of servers without any chat restrictions. If you don't want or can't control your language, this might not be the best community for you. In my opinion:
    • swearing against a player on public chat -> no go
    • swearing against a situation/thing -> ok to an extent
    • swearing in a private mcmmo chat group -> well everyone can leave, so who cares
    • swearing in private chat to someone you know -> do what ever you want
    • swearing in private chat to someone you don't know -> ok to an extent (if the other person feels offended and reports it, we might have to investigate)
    I know that we are one of less servers that takes it rules very strict and in my opinion this isn't a problem. As if you don't care about the rules you don't care about the server/community -> the community doesn't want you.

    I hope I made this point clear and please keep in mind that it is meant in general and not directly to your situations. If you feel that a staff member is too hard on rules or unfair, feel free to complain in the complaints section on the forum and we look into it case by case. To sum it up, thanks for pointing this out on the forums and please report case by case that we can do more about it, as we won't change the rules here and the guidelines about muting are fair in my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2014
    cbrozak likes this.
  11. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    You have to specifically decide 3 distinct times that you're going to offend people on the server when you swear in chat. Once you're angry you must:

    1) Think, "I'm going to type that in."
    2) Actually TYPE it in.
    3) and, finally, you must hit RETURN.

    So, in the act of swearing in General Chat, you've decided 3 different times that you don't care if you offend anyone in chat with you. There is no spontaneous swearing online.

    In an effort to make the servers a place where Parents will allow their children to play, and where our Girlfriends and Wives will WANT to play, I believe that a PG13 level of decorum is where we need to be.

    In policing this policy, warnings are issued upon transgression. More frequent transgressions will receive more severe warnings (mutes). Continued transgressions will receive bans.

    Arachnyd[DOUBLEPOST=1401485682,1401485344][/DOUBLEPOST]PS I've never instantly muted someone for swearing once, and rarely twice. It often takes a history of ignoring the warnings to get a mute.
    But, drop the f-bomb more than once in short order and you're ASKING for a mute.
    Ipozi and cbrozak like this.
  12. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    Perhaps I don't understand the rank structure on here, but directly above Arachnyd's post is a founder of the server laying out what he feels the rules should be, so why is there need for further debate/explanation/etc.? He says cursing (not at a player) is acceptable to an extent. That is pretty cut and dry to me. Whether you like cursing or not, if the founder says it is ok, that is the rule that should be enforced.

    I don't even curse on the server, but the heavy handed enforcement needs to go.
  13. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    Ok, very specifically, the following (but not necessarily limited to) epithets are not allowed and will receive an immediate warning, multiple transgressions will receive more severe penalties:

    fuck, shit, 'God damn', 'Jesus Christ';
    Thinly veiled attempts at editorializing those words: f**k, sh*t, 'gd dm' etc;
    Colloquializations of those words: 'dafuq', 'fuq', etc.
    Racial epithets: nigger, kike, wop, etc

    In addition, name calling in general is frowned upon and will be policed, and if severe can receive an immediate mute.
    Open arguments in General Chat will be asked to move to private message. Refusal to do so can get you muted.

    You'll notice that the above is somewhat open ended. Intent is everything. You can be offensive without cursing. If you are found to be offensive, you will be warned. If you continue to be offensive, further penalties could be forth-coming.

    In closing, as I said in my previous post, cursing in chat is not an accident; it is an intentional attempt to shock or offend people to get attention. That is not conducive to a friendly, cohesive community. The idea here is that we are a diverse, international community. Everyone needs to be respectful of each other.

    The_Icy_One likes this.
  14. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    He has also said respect the mod and listen to them if they ask you to stop. I can clearly see both sides and in this situation it should always be "better safe than sorry". Don't do anything if you are unwilling to pay the consequences, that is all there is to it. Everyone is aware of the consequences when they /acceptrules, of which was written by the founders.

    Key to all this, as Arachnyd has pointed out is respect. Disrespect = consequence, therefore making it a case by case issue.

    This post will be locked as the issue of the rule is resolved, as we are satisfied with the state of the rule. As Slind has said, if you have an issue with how something was handled in a certain situation that you don't think is fair, we welcome posts in the complaint section where it is private and we can handle it that way. I would even say, feel free to PM @Auonddon or Myself about any issue and we will handle it ASAP if you don't feel comfortable with a complaints post.

    Thank you for your concerns and input on this matter.
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