Hey everybody new and old! pllfp yea pllfp accept it Welp I'm making a town called Amberstead pretty nice its 600 blocks from spawn so not too far and not too close its got two "friendly" neighboring towns they pretty cool pretty cool if you wanna join fill out dah application below comes with a free starter sword and pick intermediate stuff really but it will last you a while and also....BWRALLHALLAH!!!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHA Name: MC name and real name if you wish Age: nobody under 12...just....yea cuz i said so and i have no problem with people over 20 its just i dont wanna be talking to people older then me...like adults it kinda weirds me out idk why feel free to apply anyway as long as your not a creep it doesn't matter Gender: i dont wanna call you a dude if your a dudette Mods you have experience in: Enemy's/ friends: (people you just don't like n stuff feel free to PM me about the enemy's if you don't wanna name names) how long you've been on the server and were your at: i don't want people who are finished with the modpack that just wanna have some fun I'm looking for pretty new people people that haven't done much on the server and wanna thrive with others in a nice town I'm not giving hand outs I'm not babying you it simply me trying to make a community and a town cuz i want to make a force to be reckoned with not just someone who is OP also no racists no antigay no deeks basically and English only sorry i hate text chat as it is not dealing with someone who wont understand what I'm saying lawl if you have a skype and you wanna use that as a means to communicate feel free to PM me it i guess i should say a lil bit bout me huh? I am a pagan with druid beleafs(see what i did there? leaf? ahahah) tossed in there um...im kinda a jerk but im pretty loyal and i stand up for my friends not the smartest as you can tell from this thread (such grammers much wows) im a insomniac that listens to most music...well i guess you could say i dont like most of the "popular" music dont like beaver im just not a believer dont like kanye but then again i dont think kanye likes kanye guess i just dont like "mainstream" things xD i think most people are idiots and i think the world is screwed but im to lazy and the world is too far gone for me to give much of a crap i like manga and anime and i live in my parents basement..but thats ok cuz im 15 ;p i drink green tea as much as i can and i love my kitten Cecil and i have a strange fondness to Onyx.....dont ask...ill cry im a Orcish whale elven dragon man...get over it im the fire breathing elven Orca!!!! hahahah Orc...a its orc and a type of whale...a killer whale.....and i do that...puns and jokes mostly unfunny ones but...yea ill still laugh like a manic at them....sheogorath is the one true god and...um.....wubalubadubdub im a nervous ball of crazy that has way too much mountain dood in his system basically.....also im very anti social and shy though i break past that and act like a ass because....reasons i should stop typing what im thinking and maybe people wont find out im a normal person that hates himself.....well crap that explains everything huh?....see you later
Whats a Deek? Name: SirStudMuffin Age: 19 Gender:Male Mods you have experience in: Whatever Regrowth, Crash Landing, Ozone, Direwolf had i them + flans Enemy's/ friends: @Arcanuo @jim_veens @Rubijox @profrags @GGothicRide And a few more
i'm not sure how many buzzwords can go into one sentence, did you just break the record for SOCJUS buzzwords in a single sentance? not sure