[Direwolf20] Remove Khndrel Keght or tone them down.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Cpt_Guybrush, Feb 16, 2016.


What to do?

Poll closed Feb 22, 2016.
  1. disable them

    3 vote(s)
  2. reduce ratio

    2 vote(s)
  3. keep as is

    11 vote(s)
  1. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    2:04 AM
    So, how does having enemies spawn from mining dirt blocks without a shovel improve the direwolf20 experience? What gameplay does it bring to the table outside of making things tedious for new players?

    This mob is a step backward for improving Minecraft's gameplay.

    Issues that I have for regarding this mob.

    - Kills newbies.
    We have a slime mob that grows to the largest size if there are dirt blocks laying around. (I think, some grow to the largest slime size and some don't. I assume its because of nearby dirt blocks.) With new players digging by hand, a slime will grow to its largest size within seconds will quickly two shot a new player. This has happened to me and to a couple friends who game with me on this server. Judging from all the other newer players getting killed by this mob, I think this is a safe assumption.

    - Punishes players for doing something that they think is OK.
    Vanilla minecraft does not punish players for mining dirt blocks y hand outside of longer mining time. Why do we have a mob that tries to punish players for this?

    - Serves no purpose except to make things more tedious.
    Very poor loot, Typically just experience. I've killed around thirty or so of these enemies and I got a single sulfur from it. The mob literally wastes people's time.

    - Glitchy
    Probably the worst aspect of this mob is that it doesn't always show up on the client side. On more than one occasion, I have been attacked by a invisible Khndrel Keght. I don't think relogging fixed it.


    Substantially reduce the spawn rate or disable the mob entirely. Quite frankly, the second option is more appealing.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Use a shovel
  3. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    Does being punished for not using a shovel improve gameplay?
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    it fixes it, but if you insist, there's a config option to disable them somewhere
  5. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    I can't change the server's config files, unless you are talking about client configs? While equipping the shovel can fix it for myself, it does not fix the fact that this mob was implemented poorly. As such, it should just be disabled to save everyone the trouble.
  6. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:04 AM
    I rather like them its a reminder to use the right tool now if they only did this for stone...

    Also it was intended by the packmakers to be that way so i doubt it will be changed unless there is a memory leak with the mob[DOUBLEPOST=1455590039][/DOUBLEPOST]Also another reason not to is they can cause client crashes if not disabled on client as well as server as seen here
    Crash only when trying join to server · Issue #45 · SleepyTrousers/EnderZoo · GitHub

    Which would require people to use the mym launcher which admins dont want.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1455590568,1455589818][/DOUBLEPOST]But just so im though heres the line to decrease spawns


    Reccomend .5 50% .25 25% etc
    To disable (not recomended entity id missmatch)

    Set to false in enderzoo.cfg
    julio1237878 likes this.
  7. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    Good find. If disabling the mob causes issues then that won't be a worthwhile solution.

    If the spawn rate is 65% then that is way too high. I suggest a lowering of the spawn rate. 5-10%

    I don't see why a added reminder is necessary since the slow mining time should be enough. A reminder that can kill unarmored players is not a good reminder. lol Besides, if players are downloading modpacks, I'd like to think they know that shovels are used for dirt.
  8. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    i don't know what the spawn rate is that's just the line i found on github i think .25 would be fine

    just checked the source code to see if that issue still presists and i think it still will there was no commis saying it was patched
    im not the best at coding but it seams that to stop spawning he strips the entity id of the mob but any mob in the world will be corrupted
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    was this added with the last direwolf update? never heard of them before.
  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    seems to be added a while ago but i cant seem to find a changelog
  11. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    They've been on ever since the new start of the server was made way back in October of last year. Think that was around update 1.9
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    they were made specifically to troll direwolf20, so lol
    KuraUchiha likes this.
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I don't really see a reason to remove them. When you break dirt without a showel you get them. When you harvest mandrakes at daytime you get annoying mandrakes, when you break silverfish stone you get silverfish. How is that now different? I am sure there are other examples.

    Those mobs were also on Regrowth, but I think they have been removed in newer updates, not sure. I haven't seen them in a long time, maybe the chance that they spawn when breaking dirt has just be lowered.
  14. Scull

    Scull Well-Known Member

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    Agree completely and wish more packs would have things like this. Maybe not an annoying glitchy dirt slime, but I always liked the idea behind having to do something a certain way and if not getting punished for it.
  15. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    I appreciate the discussion, thank you. Its interesting hearing people's opinions on the matter. Here I thought everyone would hate this mob. lol I'm still arguing for toning it down.

    I don't know how to quote multiple people so here I go!

    So, if this mechanic was made to troll direwolf20, why are we going to leave it in? Doesn't that show it was implemented to just be a nuisance?

    @ Scull
    To each their own, I clearly don't find them fun. lol I don't necessarily have a problem with being forced to do something a specific way. I have a problem with it being introduced at such a beginner stage of Minecraft and it being used with something as wide spread as harvesting dirt. By all means, add mechanics but not ones that prey on newbies.

    They should be toned down because they are glitchy and overpowered compared to their counterparts. Silver fish do a half heart whereas dirt slimes do at least 2.5 hearts (They sometimes grow into the largest slimes which will demolish unarmed players.) Furthermore, They might not even show up as being there so players will start taking damage randomly.

    But really, the spawn seems way too high. Would reducing the spawn rate to a tenth of what it is now be a problem? Newbies won't get overwhelmed and they will still get taught to dig dirt with a shovel.
  16. Scull

    Scull Well-Known Member

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    So with your argument making a wooden shovel that takes around 15 sec. - 20sec. from joining for the first time is "preying on newbies".
  17. Cpt_Guybrush

    Cpt_Guybrush New Member

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    After being punished with the risk of death and not being informed that a shovel has to be used to avoid spawning slimes? Yes. Furthermore, After seeing countless kill messages regarding Refugees, Farmers, and other 'new to server' titled players being killed by these mobs, I think it is a fair argument.
  18. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Honestly do not see the big fuss....

    You've learned that their spawn chance is significantly made lower while using a shovel. Shovels are the most easiest tool in the game to make. Yes, it may be annoying. Yes, people do die to the dirt slimes. But, you learn from that mistake...maybe ask in chat how to stop this from happening and can go on playing the game.

    These mobs are there as intended by the modpack. I do not see the need of their removal or lower chance of spawn.
    KuraUchiha likes this.
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I do think there is ONE reason to remove it: last i checked they had a MASSSSSSSIVE problem with spawning while an ender quarry ran, so MILLIONS of them would spawn, that's just last i checked though
  20. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    i think we need more not less ;)

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