really random question do people prefer online based games or a more story based game like black ops 3 vs skyrim
Dont compare shooters with open world games. That are 2 different genres which shall not be compared. I like playing online, but tho I like games with good stories. nobody would say no to a game with a good story tho. So yeah, thats my opinion to the topic^^
I always prefer PvE RPG aspects rather than PvP MOBA style, if there where more online games NOT based around PvP I would play more. but sadly things like WoW, neverwinter, Ect. have been taken from the fun times of SP quest grinds for story to nothing but PvP that happens to go along with an attempt at a story branch.
im enjoying all kind of games tho. my steam list is long, with a lot of genres. i wouldnt really sepcify myself to a genre, but if i had to chose between story and shooter i'd take story.
Yep. ESO personally really disappoint me. I really liked Skyrim, but ESO cant 1 bit reach the atmosphere of it.
Most time I prefer story. But I didn't like Skyrim too much. I don't often play non-story based shooters but I liked Robocraft and World of warships. What I hate on most of online games is that, they are pay to win (or endless grind when it is PvE). If I remember correctly, only paid online game I played was SC (from broodwar to LoTV) [Both PvP and campaign].